Parents or legal guardians who want their kids to participate in Lemonade Day must also sign a waiver, and “agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the organizers of Lemonade Day and anyone associated with it or Lemonade Day from any and all claims for personal injuries or property damage resulting from my child/ren’s participation in Lemonade Day, even if such injury is caused by the negligence of them.” “No eating, drinking, smoking is allowed in the food booth.”.“All food, equipment, single service items shall be stored at least 6 inches above the floor.”.Example: wood, canvas or other material that protects the interior of the establishment from the weather and other agents.” “Provide a ceiling or canopy above beverage preparation and service areas.Use of liquid alcohol sanitizer or single-use gloves is required for all food handling.” Do not forget hand washing soap, paper towels and catch basin. Example: drink dispenser with a spout or spigot. “Hand washing – Use a gravity-type water dispenser for hand washing.Test papers can be found at restaurant supply stores.” Sanitizing solution must be kept between 50-100ppm chlorine. Use three (3) containers for WASHING, RINSING & SANITIZING. “Provide potable water for cleaning and sanitizing utensils.ALL FOODS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM AN APPROVED SOURCE.” Lemonade stands run by kids must comply with Austin’s “temporary food service guidelines.” Some of the rules include: Unfortunately, the city’s friendliness to budding entrepreneurs ends there. Read More: 11-Year-Old Oregon Girl Can’t Sell Without a Permit, Told to Beg Instead
On Lemonade Day-and only on Lemonade Day-registered participants do not have to spend $35 to obtain a “temporary food permit,” and are also exempt from spending a staggering $425 on “a license agreement and fees” to use public property. As part of a nationwide effort to encourage kids to become entrepreneurs, Austin will celebrate May 7 as “Lemonade Day.” Since 2009, over 80,000 kids in Austin “sold more than $1.5 million of lemonade and donated over $750,000 to local non-profits,” according to the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Central Texas.Įver gracious, the Austin City Council approved an ordinance to spare young lemonade sellers from parts of the city’s mind-numbing bureaucracy.